Higher Education “Reform”: The Price Paid by the Next Generation of Students and Professors

An “On the Issues” Post from the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [http://futureofhighered.org] _______________ The increasing awareness of—and outrage about–the size of the debt crushing college graduates is, we must hope, a sign that meaningful action to address it may be possible. The numbers alone are staggering.  According to recent reports, the average…

Executive Summary of the Third Paper in the CFHE Series on Online Education and MOOCs

FutureofHigherEd.org • #futureofHE • facebook.com/FutureofHigherEd   The “Promises” of Online Higher Education: Access  The “promise” that online learning will dramatically expand access to higher education is at the center of the recent push in the MOOC/Online movement.  This paper examines research that can help us answer a crucial question: do online courses provide meaningful access…

Adjunct Faculty Need Fair Treatment in Implementation of the New Federal Healthcare Law

This is a re-post from the “On the Issues” blog of the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [http://futureofhighered.org/on-the-issues/] *************** When the new healthcare law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, takes effect in 2014, large employers will be required to provide healthcare benefits to employees who work over 30 hours a week.…

Letter from the CFHE Steering Committee to the Committee on Institutional Cooperation

From: info@futureofhighered.org [mailto:info@futureofhighered.org] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:50 AM To: cic@staff.cic.net Subject: Letter from Campaign for the Future of Higher Education June 24, 2013 Dear Members of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation: We read with interest your recent paper, “CIC Online Learning Collaboration: A Vision and Framework [http://www.cic.net/docs/default-source/reports/cic-online-learning-collaboration.pdf?sfvrsn=2],” and the Inside Higher Ed coverage of it [http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/06/19/big-10-provosts-question-partnerships-ed-tech-companies#.UcGeqhW1_FY.email.].…

Join the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education

The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education – CFHE for short – is a  GRASSROOTS NATIONAL CAMPAIGN to support quality higher education. It was initiated in Los Angeles, California, on May 17, 2011, by leaders of faculty organizations from 21 states. CFHE’s fifth meeting was held in Columbus, Ohio, on May 17 and 18, 2013.…

More Bad Ideas on Higher Education from Florida

This is a re-post from the “On the Issues” blog of the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [http://futureofhighered.org/on-the-issues/] A bill was recently introduced in the Florida legislature that would bypass the established system of accreditation and allow local state officials to accredit MOOCs and other online courses, including those from unaccredited for-profit providers.…

Review of Embracing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty: Making Change to Support the New Faculty Majority.

Reviews of Recent Books Concerning Current Issues in Higher Ed: No. 4 Kezar, Adrianna. Embracing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty: Making Change to Support the New Faculty Majority. New York: Routledge, 2012. A faculty member at the University of Southern California, Kezar has written several books on the issues currently confronting higher education. In Embracing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty, she…