Queensborough Community College: The Saga Continues

This came to my inbox a few minutes ago:

Queensborough Community College Faculty defy threats and act to require college to offer required courses

Queens, New York – October 9, 2012 – Under pressure, threats and intimidation of the college faculty by the CUNY Chancellery, the Academic Senate of Queensborough Community College in Bayside this afternoon voted overwhelmingly to support the college’s ongoing commitment to students and the principles of Shared Governance and Academic Freedom.

Defying administrative threats to halt instruction in English Composition courses because English Department faculty would not approve courses that reduce instructional time in the classroom, faculty leaders adopted a policy that would prohibit ending the offering of required courses and possible resulting loss of accreditation.

Given the choice between losing their jobs or keeping the full 4 hours on instruction for students who enter the college with English as their second language and with significant lack of preparation for college level work, English faculty chose to act on behalf of their students and their colleagues have supported them.

The principle and practice of respect for Academic Freedom had been severely compromised as faculty were told how they must decide an academic matter or suffer reprisals.  Although apologies had been offered, the basic position of the University and College administrations remained: faculty, in effect, have no choice but to accept as their own the decisions and judgments being made by administrators with no direct involvement with the students of the College.
For our past posts on this story, see herehere, here, and here. Here is a link to the CUNY union, the Professional Staff Congress, page on the problem (another one here)The New York Times has covered it as well–as has InsideHigherEd.
I will post the full resolutions passed as soon as I have the exact texts [they are now posted, here].

4 thoughts on “Queensborough Community College: The Saga Continues

  1. Pingback: Queensborough Community College Faculty Senate Resolutions | Academe Blog

  2. Hi

    You might also note the huge list of NO’s to pathways on the website of the University Faculty Senate

    Sandi Cooper

  3. Pingback: CUNY Pathways: Waiting for Leadership | Academe Blog

  4. I am gratified to see that someone has stood up to the overbearing and pampered Chancellory (probably a bunch of ’60’s activist greybeards or their offspring) and declared that it is important to assist those who did not meet the normal standard for admission. Given that ESL students were already given a “bump” in order to gain admittance to a college at which they were not fully prepared to compete (thanks to “diversity” and affirmative action), it is the least that the school can do to give them REAL assistance in enabling them to compete fairly.

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