Call for Proposals for 2012 AAUP Conference

The AAUP has posted a call for proposals for its Annual Conference on Higher Education, which will be held in Washington, DC, June 13 –17, 2012 at the Mayflower Renaissance:

Do you have something to say about current challenges to academic freedom? Online education? Pedagogical techniques that really work? Strategies for improving working conditions or academic freedom protections for contingent faculty? Furloughs, cutbacks, salary freezes? Collective bargaining? Or other timely topics in higher education?

If so, we invite you to submit a proposal for the AAUP Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education, to be held June 13–17, 2012, in Washington, D.C. Proposals will be accepted through November 18. Accepted presenters, including co-presenters and panelists, must register for the conference and pay applicable registration fees by March 16.

Proposal Guidelines

We encourage proposals that raise questions, engage conference participants in discussion, and foster dialogue.

You may propose either a complete session, with multiple participants, or an individual presentation, with one presenter. Individual presentations, if accepted, will be grouped into sessions with other related individual presentations.

Complete sessions may consist of a set of traditional presentations (a panel presentation), followed by Q&A, or may be structured as a roundtable discussion, designed to encourage more audience participation.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Funding and defunding public education
  • Collective bargaining in higher education
  • The role of faculty in institutional decision making
  • Faculty working off the tenure track
  • The role of academic professionals in higher education
  • Assessment and accountability
  • The corporatization of teaching and research
  • Race, gender, and sexual orientation in the academy
  • The twenty-first-century curriculum
  • Online education

Proposals on other topics of interest to a multidisciplinary audience are welcome.

Hotel Information

Mayflower Renaissance Washington DC Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Conference Deadlines and Fees

November 18, 2011: Deadline to submit a proposal.
December 16, 2011: You will be notified whether your proposal has been accepted. Conference registration opens.
March 16, 2012: Deadline for presenters to register for the conference. Sessions will be cancelled if presenters have not registered.
April 6, 2012: Presenters will receive their time slots.

Presenter/Early bird registration (before March 16): $350
Additional fees will apply for optional functions and meals.

Submit a proposal by November 18, 2011.

Questions? E-mail


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