AAUP Takes UIUC to Task for Apparent Summary Dismissal

The AAUP today wrote to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign chancellor Phyllis Wise to express deep concern about actions taken against professor Steven Salaita. “Aborting an appointment in this manner without having demonstrated cause has consistently been seen by the AAUP as tantamount to summary dismissal, an action categorically inimical to academic freedom and due process and one aggravated in his case by the apparent failure to provide him with any written or even oral explanation,” the letter says, adding that Salaita should receive full pay until the university’s Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, which has initiated an examination of the case, has concluded its proceedings.

The full letter may be found here:  http://aaup.org/file/AAUPLetterChancellorWise.pdf


3 thoughts on “AAUP Takes UIUC to Task for Apparent Summary Dismissal

  1. Incidentally, This sentence in re” comments is interesting: “We encourage the use of your real name, but do not prohibit pseudonyms as long as you don’t impersonate a real person.” It’s become so common to use commas in simple sentences, but in this case, the second half could be read as an imperative. That is, if someone wanted to.

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