Academic Freedom Proposals and Events

In addition to submitting articles to Academe Blog, scholars interested in academic freedom may want to know about these opportunities:

The AAUP has issued a call for proposals for presentations and panels at the AAUP’s annual conference on higher education, June 11-13, 2015 in Washington, DC. Deadline is December 10.

The Journal of Historical Sociology is planning a special double issue on Academic Freedom and the Contemporary Academy. They welcome submissions from all disciplines and any standpoint. Contributions should be either regular articles (max. 7000 words) or briefer pieces that document experiences or develop positions (2500-3000 words). Please send abstracts/proposals by October 31, 2014. Please direct all inquiries and contributions to Derek Sayer (

The AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom is soliciting papers for its 2015 edition.

The AAUP Foundation is holding an essay and art contest on academic freedom and the AAUP’s centennial for undergraduate and graduate students, with $1000 prizes in each of these four categories—undergraduate student essay, graduate student essay, undergraduate student art, and graduate student art. Deadline is Jan. 15, 2015.

The University of Illinois AAUP chapter at Urbana will be holding an event, “Academic Freedom Policies and Procedures at AAUP and UIUC” event, 3-4:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 in room 407, Illini Union north, featuring UIUC faculty John Prussing, Eric Johnson, and Cary Nelson.

Please post any other academic freedom-related opportunities and events in the comments.


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