Politicized Secret Appointments Fuel Bogus Financial "Crises"

Recently we’ve seen a growing amount of attention paid to secret searches for university presidents and the appointment as a consequence of such searches of non-educators who may push a corporatizing agenda, including at the University of Iowa, Miami University, and the University of North Carolina.  Last week David A. Sanders, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Purdue University, and Edward A. Wasserman, Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa, addressed the issue in The Huffington Post in a blog entry entitled “Public Research Universities Are Being Undermined by Bogus Financial Crises.” Here are some excerpts:

American public research universities currently face a serious, but largely manufactured financial crisis. Shrinking state support and soaring administrative costs have prompted pronounced tuition increases and fueled demands by the public for drastic cost-cutting measures. Those demands have been reinforced by mounting student debt, largely inflated by predatory for-profit institutions.

Less widely appreciated is that many critics are now using financial exigency as a bogus justification for questioning the value of a college education and, by implication, undermining the worth of public research universities. Those who exploit this unease — including current candidates for the United States Presidency — consider a college education to be little more than a credentialing exercise to produce new cogs for the corporate machine. These critics also argue that the status quo is unsustainable and that today’s public research university must be destroyed and reinvented as an efficiency-oriented, bottom-line ‘business corporation.’

One element of the current strategy being deployed for reinventing the public research university is for boards of regents and trustees — who usually lack any experience in higher education, but who are products of the corporate regime — to impose their narrow worldview on public universities. Their ill-informed or misguided decisions can wreak havoc for decades thereafter. . . .

At both Purdue University and The University of Iowa, governing boards have recently chosen presidents who may encourage or enable decidedly political and anti-intellectual agendas ultimately capable of reducing universities to workforce trade schools rather than academic oases where learning, discovery, artistic and creative expression, and free thinking can flourish. Those political agendas — already being proposed at Purdue University — are particularly pernicious and autocratic as they would dictate the terms of faculty appointment, evaluation, compensation, promotion, and leave time, and remove the shelter of academic freedom. Critically, academic freedom is what makes otherwise arid teaching institutions into the intellectual oases that they are and what brings increasing numbers of domestic and international students to their campuses. . . .

The scheme for hijacking academic control begins by politicizing the appointment of governing board members at public universities. There are, for example, no faculty members on either of our respective boards. . . .

Also problematic is the presidential recruiting process itself. Most university faculty members are chosen through a rigorous and open process of full departmental review. However, the recruiting of top academic officials is a much murkier matter. In the case of our two Presidents, the search process thoroughly lacked transparency and accountability, in order to cover the staged process leading to its predetermined conclusion.

The appointment of a university President then becomes an essential step toward imposing a plutocratic program, urged by manifestos from national political think tanks, on public universities. It is tantamount to the ‘hostile corporate takeover’ of public higher education: “Hostile” because it opposes education for its own sake, for innovations in knowledge and culture, and for the consequent expansion of the human mind. And “corporate” because it sees a college education as nothing more than job-training — mere preparation for today’s ephemeral corporate jobs rather than as a pathway for the lifelong intellectual and personal development of the student. . . .

We should insist that public university boards include faculty members or others familiar with higher education in order to promote and protect shared governance, and that university Presidents and administrators be hired to fight for and not against the intellectual ideals of higher education. These positions should not be favors to those who have lavished large sums of money on the universities or the state governors in question.

Failure to appoint duly qualified and involved citizens on governing boards will effectively end America’s proud legacy of public higher education, leaving only private universities as venues for academic freedom, intellectual growth, creativity, and discovery. That would be a national disgrace and ultimately an economic disaster. . . .