Publish a lively chapter calendar


If your chapters are like ours (spread out across a large geographic region)  and your membership like ours (working multiple jobs on multiple campuses) publish a calendar on your website to help keep everyone on the same page. (See link below.)

cropped_CCCS_calendarA calendar like no other, ours is easy to update and re-post. Members, media contacts, and community supporters can quickly check in to see where we are and what we are up to, on any given day. Our calendar reflects the way we see our work; where there is emptiness there is opportunity for organizing.

If the five-week grid leaves open four days at the end of October or three days at the start of December, we use the empty boxes to distribute facts about our institution (Colorado’s Community College System) and about the academic labor movement. If someone took an excellent photo last month at an event, we can run it large wherever room allows on last month’s calendar. Is nothing going on (yet) on a particular day next month? Good; we’ll put up a photo of Henry Giroux, a quote by Benjamin Ginsberg, or  snapshots of Suzanne Hudson, Don Eron, Steve Mumme, and other AAUP mentors. Photos of Colorado lawmakers who have sponsored legislation on our behalf, as well as snapshots of members, all give to viewers unfamiliar with our work a way to put a face with a name, and give them some sense of our advocacy.

Like the faculty we serve, our calendar makes the most of every month, even the days that aren’t numbered.

AAUP Chapters of the CCCS Fall 2016 Calendar