New Academe Issue on Race on Campus


cover_academenovdec16The November–December issue of Academe, now available on the AAUP website, considers the racial climate on campuses from a variety of perspectives. Guest edited by Donna Young, the magazine’s articles seem all the more relevant in the aftermath of an election that heightened concerns about increasing racial polarization in American society. Many student protests on campuses in the past year focused on race, and we can expect those students and others to continue and broaden their activism in the coming years. Faculty can’t afford to ignore matters of race on campus, and the integrity of our higher education system depends on ensuring equity and justice for all members of university and college communities.

Some of the articles in this issue of Academe specifically address student activism while others focus on implicit bias in the classroom, teaching the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the impact of austerity measures on higher education. Academic freedom is an important dimension of many of the articles.

Read the articles at our website or follow the links below. We encourage you to share links to articles on social media and relevant listservs in which you participate (please note that some articles require member login) and to comment on articles on the website.


Campus Activism and Competing Racial Narratives
How student activism reinforces academic freedom. 
By Peter Halewood

From Punitive Pedagogies to Liberated Learning (member login required)
Employing critical pedagogies to further social justice.
By Janell Hobson

Campus Activism, Academic Freedom, and the AAUP
What the AAUP can do to support student activism.
By Emily M. S. Houh

Teaching Palestine
The importance of bringing the Israel-Palestine conflict into the mainstream.
By Rana Jaleel

Why Standardized Tests Have Standardized Postracial Ideology (member login required)
Putting “race-neutral” admissions standards on trial.
By Ibram X. Kendi

Eight Actions to Reduce Racism in College Classrooms
When professors are part of the problem.
By Shaun R. Harper and Charles H. F. Davis III

Austerity and Academic Freedom
Questioning the commonplace on the terrain of austerity.
By Anthony Paul Farley

Public Servants and the Public Good (online only)
Reflections on the history and legacy of public-sector unions.
By William P. Jones

Book Reviews 

Repeating the Past
Kevin Kinser reviews Diploma Mill$ by A. J. Angulo.

Populism, Elitism, and Academic Deference
Ruben J. Garcia reviews Courtrooms and Classrooms by Scott M. Gelber.


From the Editor
Race on Campus
By Donna Young

State of the Profession
Taking Hostages in Kentucky
By Susan Jarosi

From the President
Branding and the Corporate University
By Rudy H. Fichtenbaum

Chapter Profile

Colorado Community College System AAUP Chapters

Nota Bene

Governance Conference

New Development Director for AAUP Foundation

Climate Change Committee Formed

New Volume of JAF and Call for Papers