Is There a Sanctuary Movement on Your Campus?


sanctuary_rutgers_blogThe sanctuary campus movement calling on campuses to provide a safe space for undocumented students has been growing quickly since the election. In November the AAUP issued a statement saying the following about sanctuary campuses: “Of special importance is the status of those among our students who are undocumented, many of whom have been in this country since early childhood. Concern for the welfare of these students has already prompted a rash of petitions calling on colleges and universities to become ‘sanctuary campuses.’ We support the movement for sanctuary campuses.” Read the full statement, The Atmosphere on Campus in the Wake of the Election, here.

The AAUP will continue to provide information, action opportunities, and updates through the coming months.



Rutgers Model Letter for Sanctuary Campus Status

Cosecha Sanctuary Movement Petition and Resources

The Anti-Authoritarian Code of Conduct (Inside HigherEd)

AAUP Chapter and Affiliate Statements on Sanctuary Campuses:

Whitman AAUP 

University of Washington AAUP

Rutgers AAUP/AFT Petition | Sanctuary Provisions Put in Place at Rutgers

UConn AAUP Petition

Ohio University AAUP Statement

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee AAUP Resolution

Washington State AAUP Press Release

CUNY Professional Staff Congress Statement

Emory University AAUP Endorsement



13 thoughts on “Is There a Sanctuary Movement on Your Campus?

  1. There is no such thing as “undocumented” students or residents. The word is ILLEGAL. How can colleges and university continue to destroy the English Language with the constant use of undocumented? Many people from other countries want to come to the USA and stand in long lines to do so legally. What we need it not “safe space and puppies” but critical thinking, lost years ago on college campuses. Maybe if the college would give teachers a chance to do their job right instead of adjuncts working out of the trunk of their cars we could get the language correct and better prepared students out into society.

    • “Undocumented” has a quite specific meaning in this context. Of course, almost everyone has documents associated with them, but that does not detract from this usage. As the word “illegal” has overtones of crime that many of us want to avoid in situations of this nature, “undocumented” works just fine.

      Though I agree that over-reliance on adjuncts is a problem, I think you might be surprised by the amount of ‘critical thinking’ asked of students on college campuses today. There certainly isn’t a necessary dichotomy between safety and thinking, as you imply.

      • “As the word “illegal” has overtones of crime that many of us want to avoid in situations of this nature, “undocumented” works just fine.”
        Works just fine for who??? In what situations of this nature??? Sure illegal has overtones of crime that many of us want to avoid in situations of this nature. It has more than overtones it is a CRIME to enter the US with out the proper documents.
        Albert Camus states it perfectly: “We have a right to think that truth with a capital letter is relative. But facts are facts. And whoever says that the sky is blue when it is grey is prostituting words and preparing the way for tyranny.

        • I guess my ancestor who arrived in the colonies in 1635 was a criminal, too.

          Let me ask you, have you never committed a crime? I’ll be you have exceeded the speed limit while driving. Does that make you an “illegal driver”?

      • “I guess my ancestor who arrived in the colonies in 1635 was a criminal, too.” What your ancestor did in 1635 has little if anything, to do with the question today. To enter the US with out the proper papers is illegal.
        That is plain and simple. Just who are those many of us who want to avoid this in situations of this nature? It seems that this special group wants to avoid “illegal” and change it to “undocumented.” Why? The comment that “many of us who want to avoid this in situations of this nature” make little sense. I’m trying to find out why this is being done, changing illegal to undocumented? To define “critical thinking” is to ask questions. And the question is WHY? Was that question every ask? No I have never committed a crime. Driving over the speed limit, is illegal not undocumented.

        • Everyone has committed crimes, even you.

          And the past has everything to do with the question today.

          We use “undocumented” instead of “illegal” so that the frame of the debate can move away from crime and punishment to problem and solution.

  2. I have not committed any crimes. And I know may people that have not. And I would expect you to tell us all which crimes you are talking about. Your statement of how to frame the debate again could use a little critical thinking. I has never asked for punishment of undocumented individuals. I only ask that they returned from were they came and get in line, like many other people, and follow the law. If you think that your problem has a solution without that happening we are a sorry lot. Framing the debate by changing words that are factual and truthful will not solve this problem or any other. It is as you must know a crime to enter the United States without following the law. To pretend that we can cover that problem by changing words will not solve it. And if the past has everything to do with the question today it has been illegal for a considerable amount of time. The use of the term undocumented instead to illegal you state is to “frame the debate from crime and punishment to problem and solution” surely has not worked. As the NYT stated today that increasing numbers of Immigrants from Mexico are increasing as we speak.

    • You will find, if you look carefully, that you have committed crimes. Everyone has.

      And, I am sure, you have ‘jumped the line’ many times in your life, and in many ways.

      • I don’t have to look carefully, to see that you are not willing to discuss this debate like a rational human being. You go on about my so-call crimes not knowing a damn thing about my life. You might commit crimes, but I would never say such a immature statement about yours. To debate the use of undocumented instead of illegal is a question that needs to be discussed in an intelligent manner. I stated that I did not agree that these people should be punished I only believe that they should be retuned to their homeland and get in line behind the people who go about this legally. My problem is that these “WE” people have decided just how words can be misused and corrupted because of some sort of believe this will solve this problem. This “WE” group, I asked, ever thought of the many U S. Citizens (born and legal immigrants} who have lost a chance of a job or a home because of these illegals? As a final word this “WE” group has not in any way found a way to solve this problem. Question: I believed that we could have a civil and intelligent discussion on this point. Instead you use statements like “jumped the line” many times in your life, and in may ways. It sustains my believe that “critical thinking” is dead in this country.

        • I know that no one goes through life without ever committing crimes. I also know that all of us have “jumped the line” at one point or another. I’m not insulting you, but am simply stating facts.

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