UCLA Faculty Protest Use of University Stadium to Confine Arrested Protesters


Jackie Robinson Stadium

On Monday night, June 1, through the following morning the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) crowded protesters arrested in downtown Los Angeles and Westwood into sheriff’s buses and brought them to Jackie Robinson Stadium.  Located off-campus, on the grounds of the Los Angeles Veterans Health Administration and seating just 1,820, it is leased by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) from the Department of Veterans Affairs for the school’s baseball team.  Below is a letter signed by dozens of UCLA faculty members protesting use of the stadium for this purpose.  In response to the letter and media inquiries, the UCLA administration issued this statement: “We’re troubled by accounts of Jackie Robinson stadium being used as a ‘field jail.’  This was done without UCLA’s knowledge or permission.  As lessee of the stadium, we informed local agencies that UCLA will NOT grant permission should there be a request like this in the future.”

June 2, 2020

Chancellor Gene D. Block,UCLA
Executive Vice-Chancellor & Provost Emily Carter,UCLA

Dear Chancellor Block and Executive Vice-Chancellor Carter,

It has come to our attention that last evening, June 1, 2020, a UCLA facility, the Jackie Robinson
Stadium, was used by LAPD to detain protesters and process arrests, including arrests of UCLA students.
We have heard from the National Lawyers Guild-Los Angeles volunteers, arrested UCLA students, and
other arrested protesters on this matter.

Testimony from arrested protesters is chilling. Arrested for violation of curfew in downtown Los
Angeles, protesters were crowded into LA County Sheriff’s Department buses and brought to UCLA. As
they arrived, they looked out of the small windows on these prison buses only to see Bruins logos and
signs greeting them at the Jackie Robinson Stadium. Protesters were held on these buses at UCLA for five
to six hours, without access to restrooms, food, water, information, or medical attention. Indeed, there
was a medical emergency on one of the buses, one that received a response from the fire department
several hours later. All protocols of social distancing were violated by the LA County Sheriff’s Department
and LAPD with protesters deliberately crowded into buses and officers not following rules and
recommendations established by the City, the County, and the CDC, including wearing masks. The cruel
irony that this took place at a location used as a COVID-19 testing site is not lost on those arrested or on
us. When protesters were taken off the buses, they were subject to processing in the parking lot of the
stadium and then released, which meant that they were directed to find their way home late at night
(between 1:30 am and 3:30 am) from the Jackie Robinson Stadium. Without working cell phones and
under conditions of curfew, this was a near impossible task, especially for those unhoused Angelenos who
had also been arrested for curfew violation for simply being on the streets of downtown Los Angeles and
were now marooned at UCLA. In addition, protesters, including UCLA students, were arrested in
Westwood, again for violation of curfew. They were brought to Jackie Robinson Stadium on LAPD buses
after LAPD tried to commandeer a 720 Metro Bus but failed to maneuver it through the streets. We share
these details because if you do not already know them, you must know them now.

We write to express our deep concern about these events and the matter of UCLA collaboration
with LAPD and other police forces. In recent days, UCLA leadership has shared statements of solidarity
denouncing institutionalized racism and recognizing the importance of protest against such racism. Last
night’s use of Jackie Robinson Stadium stands in sharp hypocrisy to these statements. We have heard
from our students and we agree that such solidarity statements must be accompanied not by
collaboration with the police but by concrete steps that move us towards the divestment of UCLA from
LAPD and other forms of policing, similar to the prompt action taken by the President of the University of
Minnesota following the murder of Mr. George Floyd. In the coming months, we intend to work towards
this goal in partnership with student and community organizations. We look forward to being in dialogue
and alliance with you on this.

That said, we also seek a full accounting of the events of last evening. The Jackie Robinson Stadium
is a UCLA facility, implicating all of us in the use of that space to detain protestors and process arrests. It
is our understanding that UCLA holds the lease to the Jackie Robinson Stadium and its parking lots, which
sit on VA grounds. We ask for a detailed, public statement on the chain of events, decisions, and command
lines that led to the use of this facility by LAPD and its mobile processing units last evening and a copy of
any agreements that may govern LAPD’s use of this UCLA facility. We also ask for an immediate cessation
of the use of this facility or any other UCLA facility by LAPD and other police forces.

Last evening, UCLA students were arrested for engaging in the constitutionally protected right to
peacefully protest against racial injustice, which is pervasive in American policing. They were detained and
processed at a stadium on their own campus named after Jackie Robinson, an icon of the long and
unfinished struggle for Black freedom. Today many of them are trying to complete final examinations and
final assignments. This is not the UCLA education and experience that they deserve.

But this is not just about our students. As UCLA faculty, we refuse to allow our university to serve
as a police outpost at this moment of national uprising and at any other time. As a public university, we
serve the public and our students, and this in turn requires dismantling the mechanisms of punishment
that have historically caused undeniable harm to communities in Los Angeles.

A few days ago, we were glad to read your statement which noted: “Still, we recognize that UCLA
also can and must do better. As campus leaders, we recommit ourselves to ensuring that our policies and
actions value the lives, safety and dignity of every Bruin.” This is our chance to do better.

We look forward to receiving a full and detailed accounting of last evening’s incident and to
working with you and the rest of the UCLA leadership on divestment from collaborations with LAPD and
other police forces.

Ananya Roy
Professor of Urban Planning, Social Welfare, and Geography; The Meyer and Renee Luskin Chair in Inequality and Democracy; Director, UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy

Hannah Appel
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Global Studies; Associate Director, UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy

Laura Abrams
Professor and Chair of Social Welfare

Karen Umemoto
Helen and Morgan Chu Chair, Asian American Studies Center; Professor of Urban Planning and Asian American Studies

Michael Lens
Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy; Associate Director, UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies

Kelly Lytle Hernández
Professor of History, African American Studies, and Urban Planning; The Thomas E. Lifka Endowed Chair of History;
Director, Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA; Director, Million Dollar Hoods

Mishuana Goeman (Tonawanda Band of Seneca)
Associate Professor of Gender Studies; Chair of American Indian Studies IDP; Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American and Indigenous Affairs

Eric Avila
Chair and Professor, César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies; Professor of History and Urban Planning

Gaye Theresa Johnson
Associate Professor of African American Studies and Chicana and Chicano Studies

Leisy Abrego
Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies

Maite Zubiaurre
Professor of Germanic Languages and Spanish & Portuguese

Aradhna Tripati
Associate Professor, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability; Director and Founder, UCLA Center for Diverse Leadership in Science

Rachel C. Lee
Director, Center for the Study of Women; Professor of English, Gender Studies & the Institute of Society and Genetics

Elizabeth Marchant
Chair of Gender Studies; Associate Professor of Gender Studies and Comparative Literature

Sherene H. Razack
Distinguished Professor of Gender Studies; Penny Kanner Endowed Chair in Women’s Studies

Grace Kyungwon Hong
Associate Director, Center for the Study of Women; Professor of Asian American Studies and Gender Studies

Vinay Lal
Professor of History and Asian American Studies

Matt Barreto
Professor of Political Science

Chris Tilly
Professor of Urban Planning

Kent Wong
Director, UCLA Labor Center

Abel Valenzuela Jr.
Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Immigration Policy; Director, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment;
Professor of Chicana/o Studies and Urban Planning

Sonja Diaz,
Director, Latino Policy and Politics Initiative

Paul Ong
Professor of Urban Planning and Asian American Studies; Director, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge

Victor Bascara
Chair and Associate Professor of Asian American Studies

Renee Tajima-Peña
Professor of Asian American Studies; Director, UCLA Center for EthnoCommunications

Akhil Gupta
Professor of Anthropology; Director, Center for India and South Asia

Chon Noriega
Professor of Film, Television, and Digital Media; Director, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center

Shannon Speed (Chickasaw)
Professor of Gender Studies and Anthropology; Director, American Indian Studies Center

Chandra L. Ford
Associate Professor of Department of Community Health Sciences; Director, Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health

Bryonn Bain
Associate Professor of African American Studies and World Arts and Cultures/ Dance; Director, UCLA Prison Education Program

Marcus Anthony Hunter
Scott Waugh Endowed Chair in the Division of the Social Sciences; Professor of Sociology; Chair, Department of African American Studies

Noah Zatz
Professor of Law

Eric Sheppard
Professor of Geography

Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
Professor of Urban Planning; Associate Dean, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

E. Tendayi Achiume
Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Promise Institute for Human Rights; United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

Walter Allen
Distinguished Professor, Allan Murray Cartter Professor of Higher Education

Sameer M. Ashar
Vice Dean for Experiential Education and Professor of Law

Devon Carbado
Associate Vice Chancellor of BruinX for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; The Honorable Harry Pregerson Professor of Law

Jessica Cattelino
Professor of Anthropology

Kamari Clark
Professor of Anthropology

LaToya Baldwin Clark
Assistant Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law

Cheryl Harris
Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Professor in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
UCLA Law School

Peter Hudson
Professor of History and African American Studies

Jasleen Kohli
Director, Critical Race Studies Program, UCLA School of Law

Jemima Pierre
Professor of Anthropology and African American Studies

Brad Sears
Associate Dean of Public Interest Law, UCLA School of Law

Caroline Streeter
Professor of English

Jason Throop
Professor and Chair of Anthropology

Alicia Viriani
Associate Director of the Criminal Justice Program at UCLA School of Law

Alex L. Wang
Professor of Law

Karin Wang
Executive Director, Epstein Program and Professor from Practice, UCLA School of Law

Andrew Whitcup
Lecturer, UCLA School of Law

Daniel G. Solorzano
Professor of Social Science & Comparative Education

Kimberlé Crenshaw
Distinguished Professor of Law, Promise Institute Chair in Human Rights, UCLA School of Law

Brenda Kim
Manager of Operations and Events, Office of Public Interest Programs, UCLA School of Law

Joseph P. Berra
Human Rights in the Americas Project Director, UCLA School of Law

Kate Mackintosh
Executive Director, Promise Institute for Human Rights, UCLA School of Law

Laura Gómez
Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Critical Race Studies Program at UCLA Law

Beth A. Colgan
Professor of Law

cc: UCLA leaders who signed the May 31, 2020, solidarity statement

Michael Meranze Chair, Academic Senate
Michael J. Beck Administrative Vice Chancellor
Gregg Goldman Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Monroe Gorden, Jr. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Jerry Kang Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Michael S. Levine Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel
John Mazziotta Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences; CEO, UCLA Health
Louise C. Nelson Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs
Mary Osako Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications
Rhea Turteltaub Vice Chancellor for External Affairs
Roger Wakimoto Vice Chancellor for Research
Yolanda J. Gorman Senior Advisor to the Chancellor and Chief of Staff
Dan Guerrero The Alice and Nahum Lainer Family Director of Athletics
Antonio E. Bernardo Dean, Anderson School of Management
Ronald S. Brookmeyer Dean, Fielding School of Public Health
Eric Bullard Dean, Continuing Education and UCLA Extension
Miguel A. García-Garibay Dean, Division of Physical Sciences
Robin L. Garrell Vice Provost, Graduate Education; Dean, Graduate Division
Darnell M. Hunt Dean, Division of Social Sciences
Brian Kite Interim Dean, School of Theater, Film and Television
Paul H. Krebsbach Dean, School of Dentistry
Kelsey Martin Dean, David Geffen School of Medicine
Jennifer L. Mnookin Dean, School of Law
Jayathi Y. Murthy Dean, Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Linda Sarna Dean, School of Nursing
Gary M. Segura Dean, Luskin School of Public Affairs
David Schaberg Dean, Division of Humanities
Victoria Sork Dean, Division of Life Sciences
Brett Steele Dean, School of the Arts and Architecture
Eileen Strempel Dean, The Herb Alpert School of Music
Marcelo Suárez-Orozco Dean, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Pat Turner Senior Dean, College; Dean and Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Tony Lee Chief of UCLA Police Department
Naomi Riley President, Undergraduate Students Association
Jean Paul Santos President, Graduate Students Association


3 thoughts on “UCLA Faculty Protest Use of University Stadium to Confine Arrested Protesters

  1. The former head of the Federal DHS is president of the UCalifornia System. What would you expect? You reap what you sow, or accommodate.

    But this is otherwise hardly unusual: the higher education complex is a core element, if not the central nervous system, of the defense-intelligence-security State and its reinvigorated mission to indoctrinate and process.

    The AAUP knows this, but looks the other way as long as the grants keep coming in. In UC’s case, it will be flush with new defense-intel funds, and more overtly developed as an explicit operational arm of the “Future Scenario” plan published and underwritten in part, by the Rockefeller Foundation (in the public domain).

    Last, if you object to the UCal stadium’s conversion for police action, wait until you see the R1 campus next year: it will more resemble the modern airport and prison security system: gating, check points, Real ID, health passports, temperature and saliva checks, distance markers, loud speaker and floodlight systems, security camera surveillance, reinforced campus police in up-armored military equipment, and even drone video surveillance, thermal monitoring; vaccination protocols and of course an army of lawyers with new contracts, officer indemnities, general release pledges, and behavior and security agreements for students and faculty.

    See the University of Chicago Trustee and Microsoft CEO’s recent discussions otherwise on digital conversion planning and monopoly ambition. As UChicago’s president Zimmer just had “emergency brain tumor surgery” one might wonder who has actually been running the institution (that is, deliberately). Regards.

  2. No less an authority than the late Dr. Paul Douglas, who served as Professor at the University of Chicago, U.S. Senator from Illinois (1948-1966), and Chairman of the National Commission on Urban Problems (appointed by President Lyndon Johnson), made statements in the 1969 report Building the American City about “citizens taking to the streets” to make their voices heard and their presence felt on matters of injustice across a wide spectrum of social, economic, political, financial, racial, voting rights, policing, housing, employment, and other issues. I was a graduate student at Northwestern University (1965-1969), and I was invited to share aspects of my urban information research with the Commission, and to suggest topics to include in the Commission’s research agenda. I remain inspired by how diligently Dr. Douglas and the Commission worked to right so many wrongs. It is difficult to believe that 50 years later, citizens in the U.S. must still take to the streets to achieve what are regarded as basic human rights in all but the worst of the worst countries in the world.

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