CAUT Statement on Anti-Racism Protests


The following statement was issued on June 3 by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). 

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) stands in solidarity with communities around the world protesting racism, injustice, and inequality.

While the ongoing demonstrations have been triggered by the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, the outrage and anger being expressed have their roots in years of pent-up frustration with racism and inequality.

CAUT calls on political leaders, organizations, members, and all individuals to take immediate action against endemic racism and inequality. In particular, reforms are needed urgently to policing practices and the criminal justice system in order to end the discrimination and racism against Black, Indigenous and racialized peoples that has resulted in unwanted violence and lives lost.

CAUT renews its commitment to fight anti-Black racism in the community, on our campuses, and in the academic workplace. Anti-Black racism in the academy is evident in the under-representation of Black scholars, students and leaders in post-secondary education; in their over-representation in precarious employment; in racial profiling on campus; and in discrimination in hiring and promotion.

Our universities and colleges must do better. We need to be part of the solution by addressing the inequities that exist and by leveraging the knowledge and expertise of academic staff and students to develop concrete ways to end racism and inequality in our society.


One thought on “CAUT Statement on Anti-Racism Protests

  1. “Our universities and colleges must do better. We need to be part of the solution by addressing the inequities that exist and by leveraging the knowledge and expertise of academic staff and students to develop concrete ways to end racism and inequality in our society.” Definitely need to do better but not by perpetrating false narratives by Marxist-backed, trained BLM radicals, but by fostering freedom of speech and thought in all classes among all races. Professors need to stop caviling before thought police and start teaching subjects you supposedly know something about. You’d do better by us all by getting the hell out of politics and back to interacting with students to further their intellectual development. If you can’t or are unwilling to do this, get out of teaching and go into advocacy politics full time.

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