Call for Proposals: 2021 AAUP Shared Governance Conference


Please mark your calendars: the AAUP will hold its shared governance conference online June 14 through June 18, 2021, and we are now accepting proposals for paper presentations on topics relating to academic governance. In addition to paper presentations, the conference will include panels, plenary presentations, and workshops for current and future governance leaders.

Proposals for paper presentations are sought from individuals or groups on topics relating to college and university governance. Authors are encouraged to explore connections between their institutions and other institutions, and to consider the application of AAUP governance policies.

Possible areas of focus include:

  • Shared governance and the COVID-19 crisis
  • Corporatization and challenges to shared governance
  • Shared governance and assessment, accountability, and accreditation
  • Faculty participation in budgeting, financial exigency, or strategic planning
  • Governance mechanisms that address interests and concerns of scholars of color
  • Governance at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Principles, structures, and best practices of shared governance
  • Governance and faculty hiring, promotion, and tenure
  • Faculty governance, pedagogy, and curriculum
  • Governance and collective bargaining
  • The relationship of faculty governance to administrations and legislatures
  • The role of tenured, tenure-track, and contingent faculty in shared governance
  • Departmental governance issues
  • Instructional technology

Proposals of one to two pages should be sent by April 16, 2021, to Michael DeCesare, chair of the AAUP’s Committee on College and University Governance, at All accepted presenters must register for the conference, which will be free for members.