Idea lightbulb on blackboard

Ten Ways to Identify Colonized Education Practices

BY RACHAEL LEHMAN The most important relationship in education is between student and educator (we’ll use the terms professor, faculty, and teacher interchangeably). From the pre–K to doctoral levels, education today is a vestige of colonialism imbued with white supremacy and patriarchy. BIPOC students experience the negative impacts disproportionately of this colonized education system, but…

People holding a mask over a sculpture.

Uniting Faculty through a Mask Battle

BY MATTHEW BOEDY When it became increasingly obvious to me and my colleagues in Georgia through campus town halls and meetings that our university system would not institute a mask mandate for all during our upcoming fall semester, our AAUP chapter grew concerned. The why of that decision is surely political, since Georgia is a…

In Defense of Ilana Feldman and BDS Supporters

BY JOHN K. WILSON When Ilana Feldman was appointed interim dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University (GWU) last month, it was an obvious choice. Feldman is a highly respected scholar who was already serving as vice-dean with no complaints about her work. But quickly this became what is probably…


15 Scenarios for Fall 2020

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH I have been posting a number of items related to how campuses might be re-opened in the fall 2020 semester. If you have not seen it, the following series, written by Edward J. Mahoney and Joshua Kim for Inside Higher Ed, fairly exhaustively catalogs the various ways in which courses might…

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Poll Highlights Sobering Toll of Coronavirus on Students

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The Education Trust–West and The Education Trust–New York in May partnered with Global Strategy Group to conduct a poll on the experiences of students attending two- and four-year institutions of higher learning in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. From May 14 to 19 an online survey of 1,010 two-year, four-year,…