2024 AAUP Faculty in the South Survey


The 2024 AAUP Faculty in the South Survey is live. If you are a faculty member of any kind in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Fsurveylorida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas we want to hear from you.

Here is the link to the survey. Please fill out the survey and share with others.

Faculty members in Georgia and eleven other southern states from Virginia to Texas are participating this year.

The survey takes only a few minutes. While we will be sharing the responses with the media, the USG administration, lawmakers, and scholars, the survey asks for no information that can be used to identify any respondent. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Last year we got more than four thousand responses from the four states we surveyed.

Last year the survey got great media coverage and had a tremendous impact on everyone’s understanding of the state of faculty. You can read more about the 2023 survey here.

Contributing editor Matthew Boedy is the president of the Georgia conference of the AAUP and works at the Univeristy of North Georgia. He can be reached through email or his Twitter account @matthewboedy. 

