
Academe Blog is a production of Academe magazine and focuses on issues in higher education. The blog and Academe are published by the American Association of University Professors, but opinions published in them do not necessarily represent the policies of the AAUP.

You can find information about submitting a potential guest blog post and about our editorial policies here. Our comment policy appears below.

Executive Editor
Kelly Hand

Assistant Editor
Austin Rhea

Contributing Editors
Carolyn Betensky (2025)
Matthew Boedy (2025)
Mark James (2025)
Jonathan Rees (2025)
Henry Reichman (2025)
Jennifer Ruth (2025)

Comment Policy
Your comments are welcome, but please be considerate about the tone, length, and frequency of your comments in order to avoid dominating the conversation on the blog or discouraging others from joining the conversation. They must be relevant to the topic at hand and must not contain advertisements, degrade others, use ad hominem attacks, or violate laws or considerations of privacy. We encourage the use of your real name but do not prohibit pseudonyms as long as you don’t impersonate a real person. Repeat violators of the commenting policy may be blocked from further commenting.

Bloggers have the option of deactivating comments on their posts, either at the time of publication or thereafter. Commenting on posts with comments activated automatically closes twenty-eight days after publication.