Univ of Michigan campus Text: Who Should Public Universities Educate?

Out-of-state students subsidize in-state students. What’s the right mix?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Many public research universities face a dilemma: how to balance a commitment to educate in-state students with the value that out-of-state applicants contribute to the university. As Nick Anderson illustrates recently in the Washington Post, the facts are clear. Public (and private) research universities contribute mightily to a state’s economy, providing a…


Survey Says… College Presidents Concerns about Future

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Inside Higher Education has released its annual “Survey of College and University Presidents.” The results, which cover a wide variety of topics, are revealing if not surprising. There are too many individual findings to discuss in a single article; therefore, we’ll concentrate on the findings that deal most directly with the state…

college building with text overlay: Will Higher Education Heed Bond Rating Agency Warnings?

Do Colleges Have Strength to Heed Bond Rating Agency Warnings?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s recently released their updated outlooks for American higher education. The news is not good. Moody’s revised its 2018 outlook for higher education from stable to negative “as aggregate operating revenue moderates while expense growth increases.” Moody’s vice president, Susan E. Shaffer, elaborated: “the annual change in…