Liberal Arts: The Perfect Education for the Business World

Keeping on my theme from the last couple of weeks, let’s look at some additional evidence of post-graduation success for students who attend a liberal arts college. Clyde Tuggle, Senior Vice President and Chief Public Affairs Officer at Coca-Cola, recently spoke at a gathering of Washington and Lee University students. Speaking about his current job,…


Go Philosophy! More Good News about a Liberal Arts Education

Pointed out in InsideHigherEd, and The Fiscal Times among several reports, a recent study from the Association for American College and Universities (AACU) stated that “liberal arts majors enjoy comparable long-term career prospects as students who obtain degrees in more “useful” fields. Students who study the liberal arts do about as well as most college…


Small Liberal Arts Colleges and the STEM Pipeline

Last week, The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) released a report on the contribution of small and mid-sized private, non-profit colleges to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pipeline. The report is a component of a more encompassing public information campaign, Securing America’s Future: The Power of Liberal Arts Education. The report addressed four…


Bioethics and the Human Genome Project

In preparing to be a guest lecturer in an Introduction to Bioethics class, I have been reviewing information on the Human Genome Project (HGP), the project that many have called medicine and biology’s first example of “Big Science”. Todd Taylor, a noted bioinformatician at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute in Japan, when reminiscing about the…


Breaching the Silos-Computer Sciences and the Humanities

It was reported this past week that the Stanford University’s Faculty Senate approved two new joint majors that combine computer science with English or music. The joint majors, part of the CS+X program developed by the computer science department, are expected to be attractive to several audiences, “humanists who want a competitive edge on the…


The Pathway From a Liberal Arts Education to a Job at Google

Quite appropriately, prospective college students and their families are looking for colleges and universities, and specific majors, that will help the student prepare for a successful future career. It is easy to see the path from accounting or nursing major to C.P.A. or R.N., but less so the path for English or Sociology majors leading…


Healthcare Interprofessional Education (IPE)

This past week, the Healthcare Interprofessional Education of Pioneer Valley collaborative, composed of administrators and faculty in healthcare and health sciences disciplines from colleges and universities in the greater Springfield, MA area, held an open development program to help “Raise Your IPE IQ” for faculty involved in educating students (nursing, pharmacy, physical and occupational therapy,…


The Hour of Code

Education Week and the Huffington Post both recently reported on The College Board’s 10th annual AP Report to the Nation. Both reports noted that that a vast majority of Advanced Placement Computer Science test-takers last year were white males. Of the more than 20,000 students to take the exam, 81 percent were male and 54…


Big Bang Disruption

The latest book from Larry Downes and Paul Nunes, Big Bang Disruption, published in January by Portfolio/Penguin, outlines how the risks associated with Clayton Christensen’s theory on disruptive innovation have intensified due to the effects of the internet and rapid technological change. Instead of established industries having years to respond, or at least trying to…