Support the UIC Strikers

As one who participated in the organizing campaign at the University of Illinois at Chicago two years ago, I have followed the negotiations for the past 18 months with increasing distress. The administration has been recalcitrant and has drawn out the bargaining process unnecessarily. The union’s demands appear to be reasonable, especially with regard to…


Sexual Misconduct

Take a look at this InsideHigherEd article: Classrooms, Courts or Neither? Students, administrators and lawyers argue over whether and how colleges should adjudicate campus assault cases at U. of Virginia conference on sexual misconduct. ​ Jane Buck, Ph.D. At-large member of the Council Past President American Association of University Professors* ​ *…


Not Just Another Union

As the first national AAUP president from a collective bargaining chapter, I frequently heard the Association described by some as “just another union” and by others as an irrelevant and ineffectual vestige of a less complicated and more innocent time. There are those who view the staff and the elected leadership as either politically naïve…