crowd rallying with Palestinian flags

Dispatch from PSU: “A Disgrace on All of Us”

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH For the June 3rd meeting of Portland State University’s Faculty Senate, twenty-one faculty and staff members submitted the following question for PSU President Ann Cudd: In your remarks to Senate last month and in your email “Evolving Community Expectations” on 5/7/2024, you refer to “vile messages” and to ‘”that kind of…

A person in a red jacket holding a Palestinian flag

Open Letter from Gaza Academics

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH This open letter to the world from Gaza academics and university administrators was published yesterday by Al Jazeera here. On May 6, Israel’s cabinet voted to ban Al Jazeera and shut down its local offices. Among the many things American academics might do in response to help, one would be to…

A person in a red jacket holding a Palestinian flag

JVP Portland on the Campus Protests

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH I asked permission to post the Jewish Voice for Peace-Portland chapter’s letter to Portland State University President Ann Cudd. It works through some points in a way that I find helpful. I hope you do, too. May 13, 2024 Dear President Cudd, Many campuses across this country, including PSU, have been…

silhouette of a face made of crinkled white paper with an X of red tape over the mouth

Dispatch from Portland State University

BY JENNIFER RUTH Portland State University has no quads on which to pitch tents, but running between some of our major buildings, including the library, are park blocks owned by the city. When threatened with trespassing by Portland Police, the students moved their protest from the grass onto the steps of the library. From there,…

Image of four fists of different skin tones raised in solidarity against a yellow background

AAUP-Penn to Interim President: “Do Not Escalate”

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH This morning, on April 27th, the AAUP-Penn Executive Committee sent the following urgent message to Interim President Jameson, Provost Jackson, and Senior Executive Vice President Carnaroli in response to last night’s message threatening to shut down the student antiwar protest on College Green: April 27, 2024 Dear President Jameson, Provost Jackson,…


Two Important Statements on Shafik’s Testimony before Congress

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH AAUP President Irene Mulvey and the AAUP chapters of Barnard and Columbia released statements regarding Minouche Shafik’s testimony before the House Education and Workforce Committee. Below is Mulvey’s statement, followed by the chapters’ statement. Wednesday, before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, President Shafik threw academic freedom and Columbia…
