The Regent Who Wouldn’t Leave

BY NICHOLAS FLEISHER (Cross-posted from Language Politics) “[F]ixed terms of members of boards shall expire on May 1.” So says Wis. stat. 15.07(1)(c), the portion of state law that governs when the terms of state board members—including members of the UW System Board of Regents—come to an end. So it was curious to see that…


Fund the freeze

(Cross-posted from The UW-Madison Faculty Senate will vote on a resolution of no confidence in UW System President Ray Cross and the Board of Regents on Monday.  The proximate cause is the egregious handling of Madison’s faculty layoff policy by System legal counsel, Cross, and the Regents, all of which is detailed at length…


UW tenure: as little as possible

BY NICHOLAS FLEISHER (Cross-posted from “Tenure weakened in Wisconsin.”  So says the national AAUP in response to the UW System’s now-official policies on tenure, faculty layoff, and post-tenure review, which were adopted by the Board of Regents this past Thursday, unaltered in their essentials from the problematic drafts issued by the Tenure Policy Task…
