Why Torture Is So American!

Every American school child knows or should know about the Salem witch trials, and part of that chapter of American history involves torture.  Perhaps we should not torture our own citizens that overtly, but events as they transpired a few hundred years ago certainly represent American ingenuity so that an early form of water torture,…


Ray Rice, Jameis Winston and Halloween All Year Round

It is not the toothless grin of the jack-o’-lantern, a name that will give even the most fastidious punctuators among us a shiver with its strange hyphen and accent mark combination, that scares me. Nor is it the light of a candle that illuminates just how far we have come from traditions of centuries ago…


Ebola News Coverage as Educational as Shark Week

I should have expected the exploitative nature of news coverage concerning Ebola. I don’t know why I thought the news media would offer an educational experience. Offerings on television and on websites have much in common with Shark Week and the coverage of the O.J. Simpson disaster. Watching a patient being transported from an airport…


Kill the Music: Students Must Read, Write, Do Math

This weekend’s Wall Street Journal featured a well-intentioned piece, “A Musical Fix For U.S. Schools,” which took up nearly 3/4 of a page with a huge accompanying photograph of a child playing the trumpet.  Unfortunately this visual only added to the Oliver Twist like desperation of can I have some more porridge please, as the…
