Not All Is Well That Ends Well

BY DANIEL A. SEGAL On April 15 of this year, Pitzer College’s Title IX Coordinator informed me that a student had filed a complaint against me alleging both “harassment on the grounds of sex/gender” and “harassment on the grounds of ancestry.”  The case ended with a determination that there were no violations of policy, no…

Podcast: Understanding Academic Freedom

BY HANK REICHMAN Recently I had the pleasure of discussing academic freedom with Keith Whittington, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University and chair of the Academic Freedom Alliance, for that organization’s podcast.  His interview with me is now available at the link below.  My thanks to Keith and to the AFA for…

books on three wooden shelves in the shape of a speech bubble

Academic Freedom Matters for Academic Librarians

BY DANYA LEEBAW The years since the 2016 election have prompted reckoning and reflection among academic librarians about the integration of our professional, academic, and civic responsibilities. We are educators focused on information literacy, stewards of research and archival collections, and hosts to essential public and learning spaces on our campuses. In recent years, many…

Talking Academic Freedom at La Salle University

BY HANK REICHMAN At the invitation of the AAUP chapter, I was scheduled to visit and speak at La Salle University in Philadelphia in April 2020 about my book, The Future of Academic Freedom.  Of course, the appearance was cancelled owing to the pandemic.  Yesterday, I belatedly spoke to members of the La Salle faculty…

What Can We Do About McCarthyism 2.0?

BY JENNIFER RUTH We at Academe blog have a number of posts discussing the legislation attempting to restrict curricula teaching race and gender justice and critical race theory. See here, here, here, and here.  “This is the new McCarthyism,”  historian Ellen Schrecker has written. The AAUP itself has put out a number of statements criticizing…

Harkness Tower at Yale

A University or a Billionaires’ Toy

BY JASON STANLEY Yale University is a central democratic institution, a fact recognized by its tax-exempt status. It provides a forum in which society’s most difficult issues can be confronted and freely discussed. The University educator is thus tasked with presenting their students with intellectually rigorous foundational challenges to tradition; that is the role of…

Understanding Academic Freedom

BY HANK REICHMAN If I may be excused a moment of self-promotion, today marks the official publication date of my new book, Understanding Academic Freedom.  My purpose in writing Understanding was to provide a concise (the book is just 205 pages minus notes and index) and accessible introduction to the concept of academic freedom as…