Russian State Prosecutor Designates Bard College an “Undesirable Organization”

BY HANK REICHMAN The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia today (June 21) recognized New York’s Bard College as an “undesirable organization.”  According to the ministry, Bard’s activities in Russia “pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and security” of Russia.  The designation threatens, and may well guarantee, the termination of a longstanding…

Dictating Civics: How the Purdue Civics Literacy Requirement Was Imposed by Trustees and Administrators

BY DANIEL MORRIS On June 11, 2021, the Purdue Board of Trustees passed a civics literacy requirement for undergraduates despite opposition from the faculty senate. Placed in the context of what happened at the University of North Carolina in April, when, as Lindsie Rank reports, “the board of trustees refused to approve the faculty’s recommendation…

How to Institutionalize Academic Freedom

BY JOHN K. WILSON Tom Ginsburg, a professor at the University of Chicago, proposes institutionalizing academic freedom in an opinion essay for the Chronicle of Higher Education this past week: “Colleges must institutionalize the protection of academic freedom by devoting resources to training, establishing standards, and hearing complaints when norms are threatened.” According to Ginsburg,…

Trial Reveals Feds Falsely Accused Chinese-born US Professor of Espionage

BY HANK REICHMAN In November 2017 the AAUP released a report on National Security, the Assault on Science, and Academic Freedom, which decried “increasing restrictions on and threats to the global exchange of scientific research and the academic freedom of American scientists to interact with foreign colleagues,” especially those from China.  In 2019, the AAUP…

Israeli flag on flagpole with backdrop of blue cloudy sky

The Consequences of Official Departmental Anti-Zionism

BY CARY NELSON John Wilson has recently claimed that official anti-Zionist proclamations by academic departments are protected by academic freedom. “A statement is just a statement,” his Academe Blog post concludes, “It’s not an act of oppression.” Wilson was writing in opposition to my own June 3 essay in Inside Higher Education, “Is Academic Freedom…

Hindu flag on a pole with a sun setting or rising behind it

The Hindu Right Chokes Academic Freedom

BY AUDREY TRUSCHKE  In early March 2021, I awoke to a social media barrage of misogynist and bigoted slurs, unhinged accusations, and threats to hurt me and my family. For a few days, I thought little about this. Since 2015, I have suffered online harassment from those who dislike my scholarship, especially a branch of…