The Limits of Academic Freedom in the UAE

BY HANK REICHMAN In April I was privileged to appear on a program on academic freedom at New York University with Matthew Hedges and his wife, Daniela Tejada, sponsored by NYU’s AAUP chapter.  Hedges is a British scholar who was held in solitary confinement in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for almost six months after…

The Future of Academic Freedom on Future Trends Forum

BY HANK REICHMAN On July 11 I had the privilege of being a guest on Bryan Alexander’s “Future Trends Forum,” an online discussion venue focused in part on higher education issues.  If you aren’t familiar with the forum or Bryan’s excellent work, you should check it out here.  My session, which lasts about an hour,…

Firing Truth Doesn’t Make It Go Away

BY JOHN K. WILSON T.J. Martinson, a widely acclaimed novelist and author of The Reign of the Kingfisher, was hired in April as an Assistant Professor of English at Olivet Nazarene University, a Christian college in Illinois. And on June 28, Vice President Carol Summers informed Martinson that he will not be allowed to teach.…

Large lecture hall

Declaration of the Global Forum on Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and the Future of Democracy

BY THE GLOBAL FORUM ON ACADEMIC FREEDOM, INSTITUTIONAL AUTONOMY, AND THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY June 21, 2019 DECLARATION The Global Forum on Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and the Future of Democracy was held at Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg on 20 – 21 June 2019 and co-organized by the Council of Europe; the International Consortium…

Knowledge for the Common Good

BY JOAN W. SCOTT At the 2019 AAUP annual conference Joan W. Scott, professor emerita in the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study and longtime member and former chair of AAUP’s Committee A, delivered a luncheon address on the theme of “Knowledge for the Common Good.”  The full text of that…

Committee A Report to the 2019 Annual Meeting

BY HANK REICHMAN The following is the report of the AAUP’s Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, presented to the AAUP annual meeting in Arlington, Virginia, on June 15 and to be published in the annual AAUP Bulletin issue of Academe later this summer. Introduction In the past year Committee A reviewed important cases and…

Terminated St. Edward's University professor Shannan Edwards speaking at the AAUP's 2019 annual meeting.

Holding St. Edward’s University to Its True Mission

BY SHANNAN H. BUTLER The following remarks were presented on Saturday, June 15, at the AAUP’s 105th annual meeting, which voted to place St. Edward’s University on the AAUP’s list of censured administrations. You can read the report of the AAUP’s investigating committee here.  In all honesty, I do not wish to be here today. Please…

NYU AAUP Statement on Steven Thrasher Case

BY THE NEW YORK UNIVERSITY CHAPTER OF THE AAUP The AAUP is not solely a faculty organization. It exists to protect the speech of all members of the academic community, and it must speak in defense of student voices, who are among the most vulnerable, and often the most subject to censure from university administrators.…