Updates from the Colorado Conference

BY THE COLORADO AAUP CONFERENCE Fort Lewis College’s AAUP chapter registered a victory in March when President Dene Thomas announced that no faculty no tenured or tenure-track people will be eliminated as part of proposed FLC budget reductions.  Her decision followed an FLC-AAUP analysis of the proposed budget that demonstrated cuts could be achieved without sacrificing…


Boston Review Devotes Issue to MLK’s Legacy

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The first 2018 issue of the Boston Review [http://bostonreview.net/] is devoted to the appreciation of, reflections on, and reconsiderations of the many elements of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   The contents include the following contributions:   FORUM MLK Now, Brandon M. Terry King in Context, Barbara Ransby…


Journal of Academic Freedom Seeks New Editor

BY KELLY HAND The AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom—the only journal dedicated exclusively to scholarship on academic freedom and its relation to shared governance, tenure, and collective bargaining—is searching for a new faculty editor. This online publication includes scholarship from the perspective of various academic disciplines and is international in its scope. If you are a faculty member…


2016 AAUP Shared Governance Conference and Workshops

BY MICHAEL DECESARE The AAUP will hold its shared governance conference and workshops at the Loews Madison Hotel in Washington, DC, September 30 – October 2, 2016. Proposals are being accepted through Friday, July 29, for presentations on topics relating to academic governance. The preliminary program is available here. Please join us as we mark…


Call for Papers: Radical Teacher

That universities have both followed the script of neoliberalism and helped write that script is no news to academic workers, to readers of Radical Teacher in particular.  The corporatizing of higher education has ripped apart many conventions and structures of the postwar university:  the professional self-organization of those who teach; their relative independence from administrative control; job…


Akron-AAUP Response to Scarborough Resignation

  Some of you may have seen the item in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Scott Scarborough’s resignation as President of the university of Akron [http://chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/akrons-controversial-president-will-step-down-immediately/111739?cid=pm&utm]. That article includes the official statement released by the university’s Board of Trustees. A follow-up article, “U of Akron Chief’s Resignation Ends a Rocky Presidency,” is available at:…


CFP: Disrupting the University

  On the Horizon 2017 Call for Articles Disrupting the University Due Date: 15 June 2016   Contact: Dr. Tom P Abeles, editor tabeles@gmail.com Whatsapp; Skype Cells: +250 78 731 9322 (Rwanda) +1 612 803 6459 (United States)   Background On the Horizon, http://www.emeraldinsight.com/oth.htm is a quarterly foresight journal with a  “systems” focus on the…


2016 AAUP Shared Governance Conference and Workshops

BY MICHAEL DECESARE The AAUP will hold its shared governance conference and workshops at the Loews Madison Hotel in Washington, DC, September 30 – October 2, 2016. Proposals are now being accepted for presentations on topics relating to academic governance (read the call for proposals). The conference will also include a series of training workshops…


Last Day for AAUP Conference Proposals

Today is the deadline to submit a proposal for the AAUP Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education! The conference focus this year is on racial, social, and labor justice in higher education. Presentation proposals on all topics of interest to a diverse, multidisciplinary higher education audience will also be considered. The conference will be held June 15-19,…
