How Illinois Higher Education Still Suffers

BY LEO WELCH In recent history, Illinois’ support for higher education has shown little growth and in fact has lagged far behind inflation. Susana Mendoza, Illinois Comptroller, released a report on September 20, 2018 on the Consequences of Illinois’ 2015-2017 Budget Impasse and Fiscal Outlook. The full report includes the background and history of Illinois’…

young adults at table: A Better Way to Build Young Alumni Loyalty

A Better Way to Build Young Alumni Loyalty

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL There are wide variations in the levels of financial support that alumni offer to their alma maters. While alumni giving rates at a few select colleges and universities may approach 60% of the identifiable alumni, most institutions have substantially lower levels. It’s a persistent source of discussion in budget conversations on…

college president student graduation

Money Dominates College Presidents’ Time but Other Issues Loom Large

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), a Washington-based private college presidents association serving more than 700 colleges, universities, and organizations, recently released an important report on what private college presidents are thinking. Chris Quintana described its implications in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “What’s on the Mind of the Private-College President?…

Alignment and Trust in University Governance

BY ROBERT A. SCOTT According to Moody’s Investors Service, about 25% of private colleges are experiencing budget deficits. It also is estimated that traditional high school graduates will decline by 9% between 2026 and 2031, reducing by almost 300,000 the number of four-year college students. Moody’s also predicts more campus mergers and closings. Finally, it…

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Will Your College Survive the Next Decade?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Inside Higher Education (IHE) released its 2018 Survey of College and University Business Officers last week. While the findings vary across the different sectors of American higher education, many are sobering, especially for four-year private colleges. Many Small, Private Colleges’ Financial State is Perilous According to the IHE survey, conducted in…