Two Paths Into and Out of the Crisis

BY HANK REICHMAN Two articles from today’s (London) Times Higher Education discuss how higher education systems in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia, which have embraced privatization and corporatization, and systems in continental Europe, which have largely retained the public funding model, are faring in the face of the challenges posed by the fiscal implications…

Some Not Entirely Random Observations

BY MARTIN KICH Everyone gives lip-service to the primacy of instruction in institutional missions, but the first place where administrators and boards look for “savings” is almost always instructional budgets and instructional staffing. They almost always say that instruction is where all of the money is, but typically “instruction” accounts for only 30%-40% of a…

#SaveOhioHigherEd Solidarity Pledge

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The collective effort expressed in this pledge has been organized by AAUP Advocacy Chapters at Ohio University, Ohio State University, and Miami University. We pledge to demand genuine shared governance—visible and tangible involvement in decisions affecting the academic mission, at our own schools and all over Ohio. We pledge to demand…

California state flag

Union and Student Letter to U. of California President Napolitano and Board of Regents

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following letter from staff, faculty, and student groups, delivered to University of California President Janet Napolitano, the UC Board of Regents, the campus Chancellors, and the Medical Center CEOs, enumerates concerns and suggestions for dealing with the financial consequences of COVID-19. May 13, 2020 Dear University of California President Napolitano…

A UW System Crisis a Decade in the Making

BY NICHOLAS FLEISHER AND DONALD MOYNIHAN The following is reposted by permission from Tone Madison, “an independent website, podcast, e-mail newsletter and event series covering music and culture in Madison,” Wisconsin.   Chekhov wrote: “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired.”…