Conceptualizing Wealth and Disparities in Wealth

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In one of the most widely read posts that I have made to this blog, I collected videos and images that have attempted to provide visualizations of the enormous differences between a million, a billion, and a trillion dollars. These kinds of almost inconceivable numbers have already become a concern as…


A Petition to Support Higher Education in Crisis

POSTED BY JOAN W. SCOTT A group of academics is calling for a comprehensive policy for public higher education in response to the coronavirus pandemic. They are, rightly I think, suggesting that the various federal stimulus packages have not made higher education a central concern, nor have these packages addressed fundamental issues facing us.  They…

Large lecture hall

What Will Be Left after the Purge?

BY EVA-MARIA SWIDLER I wrote “The Purge of Higher Education,” which appears in the winter 2020 issue of Academe, this past fall while at the start of a year-long furlough from a financially troubled, unconventional liberal arts college. I wondered what would be left standing on the college landscape once the current purge of institutions…

University of Alaska sign made out of ice

Dangerous Times for Public Higher Education in Alaska

BY MARIAH QUINN In the face of a devastating 41 percent reduction in state funding imposed by the governor, Alaska AAUP members are mobilizing to save their public university system. In an open letter to state legislators, AAUP president Rudy Fichtenbaum and Abel Bult-Ito, president of United Academics of the University of Alaska (AAUP/AFT), urged…

It’s Not About Parking!

BY HANK REICHMAN The late UC Berkeley Chancellor Clark Kerr once famously quipped that “the three major administrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni and parking for the faculty.”  Only the last of these, he suggested, presented a problem.  Another related saying attributed to him was his description…