Teacher Strikes in Colorado: Law and Reality

BY RAY HOGLER Teachers from various state school districts rallied in Denver on April 26-27, 2108, to demand increases in pay and benefits. Most affected districts chose to cancel classes on those days rather than attempting to cope with the walkouts. In Fort Collins, Poudre School District Superintendent Sandra Smyser declared that “teachers’ actions are…

Our Contract Is Very Clearly the Least of Wright State’s Problems

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In today’s Dayton Daily News, Max Filby’s article “Wright State Was Warned a Year Ago That More Cuts Were Needed” includes, as a sort of appendix, two timelines: WSU Total Reserves 2012: $162 million 2013: $140 million 2014: $135 million 2015: $109 million 2016: $64 million 2017: $31 million* *Projection from FY 2018 budget.   WSU Budget…

Fast Facts: Letting the Numbers Speak Volumes

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH During our protracted contract campaign, which started in January 2018, we have greatly expanded our communication strategies. The new approaches to reaching our members, others in the university community, and residents of the surrounding communities through the local news media have included the distribution, physically and digitally, of Fast Facts flyers that…

A Collective “I” Talks Union

BY LESLIE BARY AND OLGA BEZHANOVA Guest blogger Leslie Bary (AAUP) teaches Latin American literature and culture at the University of LouisianaLafayette. Guest blogger Olga Bezhanova (NEA/IEA) is in Peninsular Spanish literature and culture at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The “I” in this piece is collective, referring to experiences of both authors as well as…