PSC-CUNY Kicks Off Contract Campaign

BY HANK REICHMAN Four days after the expiration of their contract, hundreds of faculty and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY), which serves a half million students, kicked off a contract campaign by their union, the AAUP-affiliated Professional Staff Congress (PSC), December 4 with a press conference, rallies at two CUNY campuses,…

America’s Worst Newspaper Columnist?

BY HANK REICHMAN When the New York Times first announced in April that it was adding former Wall Street Journal conservative writer Bret Stephens to its stable of op-ed columnists — which already included the unctuous moralism of Ross Douthat and the simplistic pseudo-sociology of David Brooks — alarm bells went off.  David Roberts on…

U. of Chicago Administration Stands Against Free Expression for its Graduate Students

BY YALI AMIT, ANTON FORD, ELAINE HADLEY, AND DENIS HIRSCHFELDT The following piece was written by these members of the University of Chicago faculty:  Yali Amit, Professor of Statistics; Anton Ford, Associate Professor of Philosophy; Elaine Hadley, Professor of English; and Denis Hirschfeldt, Professor of Mathematics. Graduate student employees at the university will vote tomorrow…

The Value of Grievance Procedures

BY MIKE MAUER Our colleagues at Montgomery College are in the process of learning, first hand, the value of a modification to their collective bargaining agreement that they won in the last round of negotiations. For decades, the chapter kept winning stronger and stronger protections for faculty at the only unionized college in the two-year…

CFA, CSU Reach Tentative Agreement on Two-Year Contract Extension

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following announcement was released today by the California Faculty Association (CFA, an affiliate of the AAUP.  CFA represents more than 28,000 tenured and tenure-track professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches on the 23 campuses of the California State University system. The California Faculty Association’s Bargaining Team and Board of Directors…

International Labor News

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The World Socialist Web Site includes a feature that is must-reading for anyone interested in labor issues. The site provides digests of labor news by region: “Workers Struggles: The Americas”; “Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East, and Africa”; and “Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia, and the Pacific.” This week’s edition of “Workers Struggles:…