black chalkboard background with top and bottom borders with diagonal yellow stripes and WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT in yellow at the center

Workforce Development in Community Colleges

BY GLYNN WOLAR The push toward implementing a workforce development orientation at the community colleges has been ongoing for several years. In 2016, the Brookings Institute published an extensive report articulating what might be termed an uncritically positive posture toward this development. There is no doubt that community college administrators are generally enthused about implementing…

a worn brown leather ankle boot without laces on a wooden floor

Colorado Community College Revenues Rise While Instructors Remain in Poverty

BY CAPRICE LAWLESS Note: The Colorado Conference published this press release yesterday. It is another example of how activists can be their own journalists. Research your organization and the larger context for the decision-making destroying the profession. Crunch the numbers and provide memorable images of what those numbers mean. Set the record straight with facts…


Calbright: $100 Million for Just 12 Graduates

BY HANK REICHMAN Calbright College, California’s ridiculously named and fully online community college, graduated just 12 of its 900-plus students in its first year and saw more than 40% of them drop out, according to a scathing report released May 11 by the California State Auditor.  The college, which expects to receive more than $175…

Screenshot of the cover of the adjunct's guide

Enlighten the Gaslit with a New Guidebook

BY CAPRICE LAWLESS Along with workers of all stripes mobilizing for better pay, better working conditions, and human dignity, the low-wage faculty majority of the wealthy Colorado Community College System has been organizing for change. So they have at their fingertips deeply hidden data they need for their advocacy, the American Association of University Professors…

Colorado AAUP logo

Colo. Community College Adjuncts May Receive Winter Break Unemployment Benefits for the First Time

BY CAPRICE LAWLESS Here is our press release, sent yesterday. It is good news for our 4,600+ adjunct colleagues, a salute to the years-long effort of AAUP Colorado Community College System (CCCS) chapter members and the Colorado Conference Executive Committee. Contact: AAUP Colo. Conf. Co-Presidents Caprice Lawless, Steve Mumme, Dec. 21, 2020 FOR…
