Calbright College “Opens;” No Faculty, No Students

BY HANK REICHMAN October 1 was the legislatively mandated opening day for California’s new ridiculously named fully online community college, Calbright.  But there were no classes.  There were no instructors.  There were no students.  There were, however, some applicants.  According to Taylor Huckaby, Calbright’s communications director, about 655 people had started an application, of which…

streaks of lightning across night sky with orange and purple tones

Two Teachable Moments

BY CAPRICE LAWLESS Teaching moment #1: One student was hit by lightning while on the job. Another one (who works at a deli) watched her boss banging on the restroom door as he yelled at the co-worker inside (whom she and others could hear was vomiting) that she needed “to finish up and get back…


Photos from the October Board of Trustees Meeting at Wright State

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Photos taken by Josh Lenes and David Kociemba. Please sign and share a petition of support for our chapter’s efforts to get a fair contract: Please sign and share a petition of support for our chapter’s efforts to get a fair contract: Please sign and share a petition of…


Working in Non-Harvard Higher Education

BY CHRISTOPHER NEWFIELD Christopher Newfield is professor of English at the University of California at Santa Barbara.  This is reposted from the Remaking the University blog.  The biggest mainstream media higher ed story last week–and this–has been the lawsuit charging Harvard with discrimination against  Asian American applicants. My piece on it has been delayed by…


Academic Freedom Explored at FACCC/AAUP Conference

BY HANK REICHMAN On Friday, September 28, about 100 California community college faculty members gathered at Berkeley City College for a day-long conference on academic freedom co-sponsored by the Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges Educational Institute (FACCC-EI) and the AAUP Foundation.  The conference highlighted the growing importance of academic freedom in community colleges…


Academic Freedom Conference at Berkeley City College, September 28

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN On Friday, September 28 the AAUP Foundation and the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute (FACCC EI) are sponsoring a day-long conference on academic freedom at Berkeley City College in downtown Berkeley, California.  UC Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky will deliver the keynote address on “Free Speech on Campus.”…


Organizing in the non-community community college

BY CAPRICE LAWLESS By their decree, every word on every wall at our community college system is controlled by the administration. It seems even the formerly full-time First Amendment has itself been replaced by adjunct amendments, and is now as scattered and as difficult to organize as are we. Adjunct faculty comprise 80% of the…
