Voters Again Reject Book Banners

BY HANK REICHMAN A year ago I began a post to this blog, “Yesterday’s election results in Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and elsewhere have boosted the spirits of Democrats and progressives.  One of the less widely publicized results, however, has been the stunning rebuke suffered by book-banners and transphobes like Moms for Liberty in school board…

locked book

How Book Bans Disrupt Learning

BY RANDI SHEDLOSKY-SHOEMAKER Learning—in all of its forms—represents some change in behavior or thoughts based on direct or indirect experiences. Of course, the range of experiences we can directly access might be limited for a variety of reasons. That’s where books, or more broadly narratives, can provide a pathway to a reality beyond the one…


Unite Against Book Bans

BY HANK REICHMAN The American Library Association (ALA) and a coalition of more than 25 groups have come together in support of the association’s Unite Against Book Bans campaign to raise awareness about the recent rise in book challenges in public libraries and schools, the association announced on Monday. “This is a dangerous time for…

on a wooden surface, a book with a worn cover has a chain with a padlock around it

Book Banning Past and Present and the Rights of Young Readers

 BY HARVEY J. GRAFF  Today’s campaigns to ban books in schools—nationally organized and well-funded by right-wing donors and interest groups—are unprecedented, unconstitutional, and inhumane. Their instigators, unlike predecessors who led past campaigns, are ignorant of the texts they seek to erase, and sometimes burn. They have no understanding of “the people” or “public interest”; children’s…

books on three wooden shelves in the shape of a speech bubble

Trouble in the “Heart of the University”

BY TWO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANS The news has been inundated with reports of relentless attacks on intellectual freedom and attacks on libraries. Just last week a blog detailed the many ways in which books and information are being challenged in schools and in public service sectors. Less well-reported, however, is the ongoing attack on…


“If You Don’t Like It, Put the Book Down”

BY HANK REICHMAN Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  Perhaps fittingly for our time, it is marked by the revelation that on January 10, by a 10-0 vote, the McMinn County, Tennessee, school board removed from the middle school curriculum Maus, Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel, which tells the…

books on three wooden shelves in the shape of a speech bubble

Academic Freedom Matters for Academic Librarians

BY DANYA LEEBAW The years since the 2016 election have prompted reckoning and reflection among academic librarians about the integration of our professional, academic, and civic responsibilities. We are educators focused on information literacy, stewards of research and archival collections, and hosts to essential public and learning spaces on our campuses. In recent years, many…


The Assault on School Libraries and Classrooms

BY HANK REICHMAN A Texas school superintendent has now apologized after one of his top officials advised teachers that, if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom library, they should give students access to a book from an “opposing” perspective.  Nevertheless, the assault on classroom and school libraries in Texas and elsewhere,…
