classroom door

Your Course Is Still Yours, Even During a Pandemic

BY JONATHAN REES  Guest blogger Jonathan Rees teaches at Colorado State University-Pueblo Do you remember Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOCs)? 2012 was supposedly the “Year of the MOOC”  because they were going to revolutionize higher education. By teaching at scale, matching a few superstar professors with thousands of students at a time, the argument…

Vulture landing

Could the Reanimation of the MOOC Be at Hand?

BY AARON  BARLOW When I was in Peace Corps in West Africa, I could always tell where the butcher’s stand was by the vultures circling overhead. Today, I am seeing similar carrion feeders, ones hoping to snatch up the offal from the COVID-19 situation… The COVID-19 college closures are being seized upon by the EdTech…


Universities and Surveillance Capitalism

BY PAUL-OLIVIER DEHAYE Guest blogger Paul-Olivier Dehaye is a former assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Zurich.  Surveillance capitalism, described by Shoshana Zuboff, is the logic of accumulation of data leading to commodification of a facet of the global digital life. As remarked by Oliver Stone, Pokemon Go fits in this logic, as it…


A Bad Idea That Doesn’t Get Better by Analogy

BY MARTIN KICH In “The Path to Debt Free College: More School Choice,” an article written for U.S. News and World Report, Wesley Coopersmith argues that “to solve the debt crisis in higher education, lawmakers should let students have many more options.” Brushing aside proposals to increase Pell Grants, to reduce interest rates on student…


ASU’s Global Freshman Academy Is a Complete Bust. Is Anyone Actually Surprised?

Education Dive [] is a very good source of news about innovations and initiatives in digital education, but it does have a very pronounced bias in favor of the pedagogical potential of digital technologies. Sometimes that bias leads to analyses that border on the absolutely ludicrous. Each item from Education Dive includes a bulletted summary…


Education Reform Humbuggery

Kevin Carey, writing in The New York Times last July, said this of American colleges and universities: “These organizations are not coherent academic enterprises with consistent standards of classroom excellence. When it comes to exerting influence over teaching and learning, they’re Easter eggs. They barely exist.” This is humbug. It’s an attempt to channel the…


Computers May Be an Obstacle to Learning

A recent international study has thrown a bucket of cold water on the heated frenzy for computer-assisted and online education.  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which has an authoritative program for assessing school education quality in its 34 member countries, has published a report demonstrating that increased computer use in classrooms may…