GMU Drake meme on presidential searches

The Costs of Secret Presidential Searches

BY BETHANY L. LETIECQ AND JUDITH A. WILDE This is the second in a series of three George Mason-AAUP Academe Blog posts on lessons learned from the presidential search campaign. Read the first post on GMU’s campaign here. Over the past year, two of the Washington, DC, region’s largest public universities lost their presidents. The…


Another Lesson in Why Schools Should Listen to Their Faculties When Hiring a Leader

BY HANK REICHMAN City College of San Francisco (CCSF) has placed Chancellor Mark Rocha on paid administrative leave effective immediately, the college board’s president announced on Monday. Board of Trustees President Shanell Williams declined to provide a reason for the move. However, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that An internal auditor told the trustees in…

Old university boardroom.

The Board and Institutional Memory

BY ROBERT A. SCOTT The average tenure of college and university presidents has declined from 8.5 years in 2006 to 6.5 years in 2016. The average, of course, masks the longer length of service of those appointed earlier with those appointed more recently, who often face shortened terms. If boards do not manage the transition…

Piccolo vs spghetti meme that shows competitive, open, public searches protecting the Mason community from really bad presidential candidates

GMU’s Campaign for a Public Presidential Search

BY BETHANY LETIECQ, TIM GIBSON, AND BETSY DEMULDER This is the first in a series of three George Mason-AAUP Academe Blog posts on lessons learned from the presidential search campaign. Presidential searches conducted at public universities have become secretive processes that exclude most if not all forms of public vetting and engagement. Historically, finalists for…
