Buildings at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, with trees and grass in the foreground along with two parked cars and a small construction crane

In Defense of Melissa Goldberg and Academic Freedom at Catholic Colleges

BY JOHN K. WILSON Last week, the Catholic University of America (CUA) fired psychology professor Melissa Goldberg one week after she invited doula Rachel Carbonneau to address her class, Psychology 379: Lifespan Development. Doulas coach women during the birthing process, and Carbonneau discussed helping “birthing persons” deal with having abortions and assisting transgender men. One…


A Conversation with Karen Swallow Prior

BY HANK REICHMAN One of the country’s most prominent evangelical Christian activists, Karen Swallow Prior holds a PhD in English Literature from the University at Buffalo, taught for two decades at the Rev. Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, and is currently Research Professor of English and Christianity and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  In May,…
