GOP Tax Plan Could Destroy Graduate Education; Slams Student Borrowers

BY HANK REICHMAN There’s much to be troubled by in the Republican tax “reform” proposals under consideration in the House and Senate.  Both plans favor inherited wealth over income earned through labor; favor “red states” over “blue states,” and taken together generally amount to what Paul Krugman calls generational class warfare.  But as a lifelong…


Generation Z’s Future Isn’t for Sale

BY LARA SCHWARTZ AND BILLY CZERWINSKI Tuesday night, the US Senate voted to gut a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule that gave consumers, including student loan borrowers, recourse against banks who cheat us. This was a particularly remarkable act in light of recent revelations that Wells Fargo had fraudulently opened over three million fake accounts…


Oppose the Trump Administration’s Proposed Cuts to Higher Ed

BY KELLY HAND We already knew from the Trump administration’s initial “skinny” budget proposal, released in March, that higher education would be on the chopping block. The fleshed-out budget proposal released on May 22 details cuts that would have a devastating impact on student aid, the arts and humanities, scientific research, and international education. Following up…


Join Colleagues on Capitol Hill

BY KATIE STEWART The AAUP’s Capitol Hill Day will be held June 15 as part of the Annual Conference . Here’s what members of the Rhode Island delegation had to say about it last year: The Rhode Island AAUP group was made up of people from variety of backgrounds which generated well-rounded discussions with Representatives Cicilline, Langevin…


Sign a Letter of Support for the College for All Act

POSTED BY KELLY HAND Announcing the AAUP’s endorsement of the College for All Act introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Pramila Jayapal in April, AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum said “The College for All Act reaffirms our commitment to quality, public higher education as a right for all Americans. It would expand access to higher…


Statistics of the Day: Higher-Ed Related

BY MARTIN KICH Here is another item to put in the folder of false assertions about how Federal tax policy screws the wealthy and exists to provide giveaways to the impoverished. In reporting on an Issue Brief produced by the Pew Research Center, the Hechinger Report highlights the widening gap between the value of Federal…


The Russian Model and Student-Loan Debt

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In September, about six weeks before the presidential election, Abby Jackson wrote the following short item for Business Insider: Russian Education and Science Minister Olga Vasilieva called for a return to mandatory farm labor for school children, according to Russian state-operated news agency RIA Novosti via The Moscow Times. Vasilieva said that students should be…