Aerial view of California State University, East Bay, campus with cloudy blue sky above.

My Fight for Tenure

BY HANK REICHMAN Tenure and the tenure system are again in the news. It is therefore fitting that the latest issue of Academe is devoted to tenure—what it is, what it isn’t, how to defend it, and how we can and must improve it. My own contribution, “Eight Myths about Tenure,” sums up a few…

A group of ten people's hands joined together against a gray wood floor background

Why You Should Attend a First-Year Physics Class

BY BILL BERGMAN Recently, I participated in an experiment that had several first-year seminar (FYS) instructors attend each other’s classes. It was an effort to see if we could improve our teaching techniques by observing colleagues. My first visit was to a FYS class in physics. Surprisingly, this ninety-minute first-year science class not only taught…

"Divide & conquer" spelled out in movable type and displayed in two compartments of a wooden type box

Dividing and Conquering Academia

BY MICHAEL SCHWALBE Years ago, I was speaking with a colleague about one of the paradoxes of university life: tenured faculty enjoy more job security than almost any other occupational group in US society, yet they are often afraid to fight for their interests as a group. My colleague accounted for this lack of collective…