Drummers and flag-bearers in Nazi-style uniforms stand on a stage in front of banners mixing US and Nazi symbolism, including stars, stripes, and swastikas, with a portrait of George Washington at the center.

Trump, American Nazis, and a Night at the Garden

BY JEFFREY C. ISAAC This week Donald Trump held a campaign rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City, promoting the themes of “Make America Great Again,” “America First,” and, of course, “The Greatness of Trump.” According to a New York Times headline, it was “A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny, and Racism.” Stephen…

A hand putting a ballot in box

2024 Endorsement from Higher Education

BY MATTHEW BOEDY With organizational help from Washington Post humor columnist Alexandria Petri’s recent piece on presidential endorsements . . . The Washington Post, among other major newspapers, is not endorsing presidential candidates this year.   And major universities are stepping back from issuing statements on matters of public concern. Since the latter institutions are choosing…

camouflage-patterned fabric in various shades of green, brown, and black

The Sad Student with a Gun on a Rooftop

BY MATTHEW BOEDY “When you read about this kid–he was 20, no longer a child, but far from a mature adult too–it all seems very confused. He’s a sad kid, of a kind I’ve seen dozens of times in my classrooms.” This quote is from American historian John Haas about the young man who tried…

white letter blocks spelling out TRUMP in all caps cast a dark shadow on a white surface below

Trump University, Part II

BY JONATHAN REES Did you know that Donald Trump has promised to create a free national online university if he gets to become president again? You can read the basics of his proposal in Politico: Donald Trump wants to “revolutionize” higher education if elected president. And in a new campaign policy video, he is pledging…
