Accuracy in Academia?

One of the interesting things about fishing in unknown waters is that you never quite know what will come up when you reel in the line. It has only been a few weeks since my first post here, but I am already getting intriguing responses. One on Tuesday follows my post with the tongue-in-cheek title Reminder…


Higher Education Events This Summer

How Biased Are the Campuses? A Debate in DC How biased are the campuses? A debate between John K. Wilson & Mal Kline, Executive Director, Accuracy in Academia (AIA) Thursday, June 14, 2012, 6-8 PM The Van Andel Center, The Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Washington, DC. The event is free but please RSVP…


Accuracy in Academia Responds to My Critique

Malcolm Kline, executive director of Accuracy in Academia, has responded to my critique yesterday of his essay listing the professors who provide “100 arguments against tenure.” Kline argues that abolishing tenure “is not tantamount to firing.” That’s absolutely true. But Kline is not making a broad argument against the existence of tenure (and there are…


The Thought Police at Accuracy in Academia

Back in the 1980s, Reed Irvine’s right-wing group Accuracy in Academia (AIA) caused controversy by recruiting students to spy on left-wing professors. With the growth of the internet, AIA can do the spying online, but its attacks on academic freedom continue to this day. One of the most disturbing features on the AIA website is…