Income Share Agreements: Improved Thinking on How to Fund a College Education

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL At the most expensive U.S. colleges and universities, the advertised price now exceeds $70,000 per annum although most institutions are significantly below this level. Financial aid lowers the actual cost of attendance for many students. Still, American families are less willing to shoulder the expected family contributions that make a college…


Postscript to the New Revolving Door

Several months ago, I did a post to this blog on the controversy surrounding the announcement that Geoff Chatas, the CFO of Ohio State University, would be resigning from that position to take a position with the corporate conglomerate with which he had recently negotiated a long-term and lucrative contract to manage the university’s parking…


Oxymoron or Farce: The Highest Paid Executive in Public Higher Education Leads a Statewide Study on Increasing Affordability in Ohio

On Monday, the Columbus Dispatch reported that Governor Kasich has appointed Gordon Gee, President Emeritus of Ohio State University, to “lead a study looking for ways to make college more affordable and relevant for Ohio students.” More specifically, Gee will “spend the next year working with other college presidents, K-12 education leaders, and the business…