Sign a Letter of Support for the College for All Act

POSTED BY KELLY HAND Announcing the AAUP’s endorsement of the College for All Act introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Pramila Jayapal in April, AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum said “The College for All Act reaffirms our commitment to quality, public higher education as a right for all Americans. It would expand access to higher…


What Will Debt-Free College Mean for Public Colleges?

BY JOHANN N. NEEM Guest blogger Johann N. Neem is Professor of History at Western Washington University and a Visiting Faculty Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. At the Democratic National Convention, Bernie Sanders argued that the Democrats came together to support debt-free higher education for all students…


Electing A President Without Facts

BY KELLY WILZ “We need media literacy as much as we need to learn to read.”- Jennifer Pozner “The world will not be a better place when these fact-based news organizations die.  We will be propelled into a culture where facts and opinions will be interchangeable, where lies will become true and where fantasy will…


Will the Adults on the Left Please Stand Up?

Image: I am exhausted.  I spent the entirety of yesterday with my mother in  the emergency room until she was admitted to the hospital and had a breakdown when I got home because it’s scary when a parent is in the hospital and you have that moment when you realize your they aren’t immortal.  I just wanted…


Working Families Party Endorses Bernie Sanders

Writing for Huffington Post, Samantha Lachman reports: “The Working Families Party endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, after an overwhelming majority of its members backed the progressive candidate. It is the first time the party has formally backed a candidate in a national election. “Over 87 percent of Working…