A Changing Landscape for Unionization at Private Institutions?

In her article in the November-December Academe, “Improving the Legal Landscape for Unionization at Private Colleges and Universities,” AAUP general counsel Risa L. Lieberwitz considers the legacy of the US Supreme Court’s 1980 decision in NLRB v. Yeshiva University. Because it held that faculty members’ autonomy and involvement in decision-making puts them in the category…


The Myth of Male Victimhood

It’s tough to be a man. That’s the message of male conservatives who worry about how terribly oppressed men are on college campuses facing the evil feminist conspiracy. Even though the people who run universities—presidents, trustees, coaches, even tenured faculty—are overwhelmingly male, we keep getting told this myth about the victimization of men. This week…


The Myth of Banning ROTC

Last week, an InsideHigherEd article about ROTC at Brown University contained an unfortunate but all too common error: “Like many of their counterparts, Brown professors voted in 1969 to remove ROTC from campus…” This never happened, at Brown or (as far as I’m aware) any other university. As the Brown committee’s report makes clear, it…