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A Tale of Two Surveys

BY MATTHEW BOEDY Two recent major surveys on public opinion about higher education offer differing details but the same dark picture of public opinion about higher education.  They also offer the same roadmap for faculty advocacy to reverse that dangerous trend.  First, there was a Chronicle of Higher Education survey in early September. The Chronicle…


Open Letter to Our Akron Colleagues

POSTED BY SUE RAMLO A couple of months ago, the Provost’s office sent faculty, through their deans, a survey, asking us what we thought the criteria for firings should be. Akron-AAUP saw this for what it was: direct dealing with faculty, and a failed attempt to legitimize the gutting of the faculty. At the time,…


Wittenberg AAUP Sends Open Letter to University President

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The following is an open letter sent by the members of the Wittenberg AAUP chapter to their university president. The Ohio Conference AAUP fully supports the chapter and their efforts to promote and enforce standards of shared governance.   June 9, 2020 An Open Letter to the President, Provost, Board of…


Coalition Statement: Rutgers University Must Stop the Layoffs, Protect the Vulnerable, and Rescind the Fiscal Emergency

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH AAUP-AFT Rutgers has posted this statement on its website: The Rutgers University administration has notified nearly all of its unions that it is taking the first steps toward implementing a fiscal emergency, thereby jeopardizing the futures of our 20,000-plus union members, their families, and communities throughout New Jersey.  By declaring a…

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Deadline Extensions: The Canary in Higher Ed’s Coal Mine?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Last week, Melissa Korn reported in the Wall Street Journal that Oberlin, the University of Chicago, George Washington University, Washington University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, among others, have extended their January application deadlines. She notes, “Some offered the extra time only to seniors who began but didn’t submit applications. Others sent broad…

young adults at table: A Better Way to Build Young Alumni Loyalty

A Better Way to Build Young Alumni Loyalty

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL There are wide variations in the levels of financial support that alumni offer to their alma maters. While alumni giving rates at a few select colleges and universities may approach 60% of the identifiable alumni, most institutions have substantially lower levels. It’s a persistent source of discussion in budget conversations on…
