The Failures of Educational “Reform”

BY HANK REICHMAN “The educational reform landscape is littered with theories about what’s needed to improve low-performing schools. The Finnish model. The South Korean model. More money with more restrictions. More money with fewer restrictions. The answers are seldom so simple.” Those wise words come from a January 2017 Los Angeles Times editorial responding to…


Sherrod Brown on Charter-School Waste

  The following letter was sent by Sherrod Brown to Secretary of Education John King. (I have omitted a half-dozen footnotes that cite the sources for the details that Senator Brown highlights.) The letter illustrates why Sherrod Brown is a very effective and widely respected progressive Senator in a “purple” state. _________________________ June 20, 2016…


Private Equity and Charter Schools

truthout has recently published an investigative article by Yves Smith that explains why private equity firms have been investing heavily in corporate charter schools. Drawing on articles published by the Philadelphia Inquirer, the article provides an extended explanation of how these multi-layered scams have been implemented by some of that city’s charter school operators. But,…


The Ugly Charter School Scandal Arne Duncan Is Leaving Behind

This post was written by Jeff Bryant for the blog of the Campaign for America’s Future [] which has become a driving force behind the New Populist Movement. The group’s report, Organizing to Take Back America: The New Populist Movement, is available at: Prepared by Roger Hickey, the co-director of the Campaign for America’s Future, the…


The Truth About Charter Schools

Alan Singer is a professor of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership and the program director of graduate programs in Social Studies Education at Hofstra University. Dr. Singer is a former New York City high school social studies teacher and is editor of Social Science Docket, a joint publication of the New York and New Jersey Councils…


Who Is to Blame for the Test Scores Now?

Writing for Vox, Libby Nelson offers a thoughtful analysis of the recently released average scores on this past year’s SAT tests. She notes that although the average scores declined slightly, at least part of that decline may reflect the increased diversity among the students now taking the test. Although I have only a very superficial…


Scams of Immense Proportions

Almost a year ago, the following brief item, written by Daniel Wilco, appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Two men have been indicted on charges they defrauded Delta and Northwest Airlines of $22 million between 2004 and 2013. “Michael Yedor and Paul Anderson have been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and 96 counts of…


Teaching Is Either a Profession or It’s Not

In a recent post to her blog, Diane Ravitch has reported on the ongoing effort to unionize the teachers in Detroit’s charter schools. At five of those schools, the AFT has held successful unionization campaigns. But when they attempted to organize the teachers at the seven University Prep Schools managed by Detroit 90/90, the school…