First God, Now the Vagina

Today’s Inside Higher Ed prominently features an article about faculty complaining about The Vagina Monologues being in part performed at a year’s end celebration ceremony coinciding with commencement at Mercer County Community College. Surely this news is a kick in the pants that we need to consider what really constitutes acceptable ceremonial material. Having alumni…


First Lady Michelle Obama’s Commencement Address at George Washington University: A Celebration of Service Learning and Volunteerism

Wow.  Thank you all.  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  “Dr. Obama”–I like that.  (Laughter.)  I think I’ll have everybody at home start calling me that. (Laughter.) Thank you.  I am so honored to help you celebrate this wonderful day. And thank you, Ally; thank you, Dr. Knapp, for your generous introduction.  I also…


Transcript of Jon Lovett’s Commencement Address at Pitzer College

Jon Lovett, a speechwriter for President Obama, addressed the graduates of Pitzer College on “fighting the culture of bullshit.” What follows is a brief selection from a fuller partial transcript of his commencement address provided through The Atlantic: ************************* One of the greatest threats we face is, simply put, bullshit. We are drowning it.…