Opening Minds, Opening Doors at CSCU

BY PATTY O’NEILL The op-ed below was originally published in the CT Mirror, and we are posting it here with the permission of the author. Our communities have been shaken to their core. COVID-19 has taken loved ones, jobs have vanished, and racial injustice continues unabated. But we have also witnessed the everyday heroism of ordinary people.…


Connecticut State Faculty Rally Against Contract Take-Backs

Today hundreds of faculty members from Connecticut State University (CSU) and their supporters rallied in Hartford outside a meeting of the Board of Regents of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities demanding that the regents abandon draconian contract proposals that would bring to Connecticut the kinds of anti-education and anti-union measures that failed Republican presidential…


A Democratic Scott Walker?

Last week I posted an item reporting on the bargaining efforts of two AAUP/AAUP-CBC affiliated faculty unions, the California Faculty Association (CFA) in the California State University system and the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) in the City University of New York.  Now comes word that the AAUP’s own collective bargaining chapter at the Connecticut State…