Corinthian Colleges: There Is Almost Nothing Left, but There Was Next to Nothing There to Begin With

Stephen J. Lubben has contributed an article on the bankruptcy filing by Corinthian Colleges to the New York Times. Here are some excerpts from the article, titled “Corinthian Colleges’ Lean Business Model Leaves Little for Creditors”: “Corinthian Colleges, the for-profit education company familiar to corporate law professors for its appearance in textbooks about securities regulation,…


Too Big–and Too Awful–to Fail

The Department of Education and Corinthian Colleges have been engaged in extended negotiations over how the for-profit corporation will either shut down or scale down its various entities, including the Everest University, WyoTech, and Heald College chains. The government actions against Corinthian Colleges came after the Harkin Report highlighted Corinthian’s extraordinarily high student-loan default rate,…