Assessing the ‘Outcomes’

BY AARON BARLOW Christine Emba, editor of In Theory, wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post on July 28, 2017 calling the current mania for ‘outcomes’ a “familiar trap.” She was focusing on politics, particularly on the failure of health care ‘repeal and replace’ but her thoughts apply to education as well. They apply,…


CUNY Pathways: Waiting for Leadership

Over the past three weeks, I’ve been thinking a great deal about CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein’s message to the faculty about the Queensborough Community College uproar. That it doesn’t sit well with many faculty members should be obvious from even a cursory reading (Pathways, for those who don’t know, is a top-down CUNY initiative aimed…


Queensborough Community College: The Saga Continues

This came to my inbox a few minutes ago: Queensborough Community College Faculty defy threats and act to require college to offer required courses Queens, New York – October 9, 2012 – Under pressure, threats and intimidation of the college faculty by the CUNY Chancellery, the Academic Senate of Queensborough Community College in Bayside this…


More on Queensborough Community College

Last week, the Queensborough Community College English Department voted to refuse a reduction in workload hours for its First Year Composition courses, supposedly a necessity for the City University of New York’s new Pathways to a Common Core initiative. Vice President Karen Steele then sent an email to the department that seemed to threaten draconian…