Take it from Trump: Political Correctness is “Highly Overblown”

BY HANK REICHMAN Listening to right-wing Republican whiners, you’d think that America’s college and university campuses have been overrun by thuggish “snowflake” leftists busily drowning out conservative voices in the name of some sort of ideologically purist “political correctness” dismissive of free speech.   After U.C. Berkeley failed to find a safe venue for her…

The Perilous Night

BY HANK REICHMAN A little less than a year ago, in the wake of the 2016 election, I posted to this blog “A Playlist for the Trump Presidency,” a collection of 30 songs/videos of political relevance.  It generated considerable traffic.  In February I followed up with “Another Trump Playlist,” with 40 songs/videos, but that post…

How the Russians View Trump

BY HANK REICHMAN I usually try to limit my posts to this blog to topics more or less directly related to higher education.  However, given the many questions swirling around President Trump’s relations with Russia and Vladimir Putin and the importance to higher education of how Trump’s presidency develops, I thought I would share some…

Academic Medicine Weighs In On Trump Immigration Ban

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following is the text of an open letter to Cleveland Clinic Director Delos “Toby” Cosgrove, who happens to be a Trump adviser, signed by over 1,500 (and counting) medical students, faculty and related personnel. Dear Dr. Cosgrove, On January 27th, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order indefinitely banning Syrian…

Well Beyond the Post-Factual

BY MARTIN KICH The following are excerpts from an item published by Politico and written by Shane Goldmacher and Matthew Nussbaum. The article describes Donald Trump’s first “official” speech as President, delivered at CIA headquarters. The tone of the piece is remarkably unsparing, especially for Politico: Standing on hallowed ground at the Langley headquarters, in…

"We Live in Troubled Times"

BY HANK REICHMAN Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., the great punk band Green Day released an official music video of their song, “We Live in Troubled Times,” from their current album, Revolution Radio.  “Today we celebrate love and compassion more than ever,” lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong said in a statement that…

Monica Crowley's Massive Plagiarism

BY JOHN K. WILSON CNN is reporting some very important news about talk show host Monica Crowley, Trump’s pick as senior director of strategic communications for the National Security Council: she is a plagiarist. And this is not your garden-variety, “oops I copied a few things accidentally” excuse kind of plagiarism. This is massive, systematic, intentional…

Why Donald Trump Shut Down His Foundation

POSTED BY JOHN K. WILSON Donald Trump announced today that he will be shutting down the Donald J. Trump Foundation. But he won’t be shutting down the investigation by the New York Attorney General’s office, nor should he shut down the scrutiny over his corrupt charity. The Trump Foundation existed for Trump to use for…

A Christmas Standard Reworked on the Eve of Trump

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In a recent post, Hank Reichman provided a post-election playlist that did a great deal to mitigate my post-election despondency. That playlist could not have included this just released video of Fiona Apple singing a Christmas standard reworked for this particular holiday season: Whether you enjoy the song or not, Fiona…